Quick FAQs for Parents
The following is a list of commonly asked questions. Hopefully, you will find the answer you are looking for. In case you do not, please do not hesitate to email us at rrsc2016@gmail.com or call any of our board members.
1. What is the difference between recreation and competitive soccer?
Recreation soccer is the beginning stage of soccer development, no matter the age. It is comprised of kids learning the game for the first time, kids with experience but not at an advanced level or prefer to be in a less competitive environment. Competitive soccer is for kids that have learned the basics of the game and it’s skills and have decided to take an advanced path to learning that game at a higher level.
2. I've just registered my child to recreation soccer and have paid the fees, now what? When will I hear from my coach? When does the season start? How long does it last?
The next steps are behind the scenes. Once the registration period ends, coordinators will get busy creating a roster of players on teams according to the RRSC Rules and Policies. Sometime in mid-August (for the fall season) or mid-March (for the spring season), coaches receive their rosters. Soon thereafter, coaches will call their players and practices will commence. The season usually starts on the first Saturday in September (for the fall season) or on the first Saturday in April (for the spring season).
Each of the two seasons last eight weeks, except in the spring when there is a weekend break for Memorial Day Weekend.
3. What are the Rules and Policies when forming teams? Why can't my child be on the team we want?
Most teams at a young age play small sided games (often 5 on the field at a time, or 8 as you get older). As such, a team will comprise enough players to play the game and an additional 3-8 players depending on age group playing in. Players will be placed on teams based on age. If we have enough players for 2 teams in an age group we will then have our Director of Coaches and Coordinating team randomly select players for each team. If we don’t have enough players for a team at a certain age group the registered players will be divided onto older or younger teams depending on experience level.
4. Do the recreation fees we pay include a uniform?
No. For recreation teams, the fees do NOT pay for a uniform. To keep our season fees to a minimum we decided to put the ownership of the uniform purchase on the parents. We’ve partnered with a very supportive store in Medford (The Medford Soccer Post) to have them handle the purchase of the uniform sets. The RRSC will work with the Soccer Post to select which uniform set will represent the club and make changes every few years based on availability. We felt this would allow additional long term cost savings by only needing to purchase one uniform over a few seasons, instead of the higher league fees that pay for a new uniform every season. The cost savings can be significant, especially over a few seasons if your child doesn’t grow significantly. The uniforms and other RRSC apparel must be purchased at The Medford Soccer Post.
5. Is there any travelling out of Rogue River in the recreation league to play games?
Yes. By creating our own club we retain the ability to keep kids together from town and their classes, but we do not have enough players to create our own league. So while we will train and practice in Rogue River, games in the DLSO will be played at different areas around the Rogue Valley (Central Point, Medford, Eagle Point, Talent/Phoenix for example).
6. Why do I have to pay registration fees to play soccer?
Your registration fees represent a large % of the income RRSC receives each year. While we have made great efforts to make this a club that will be available to all local kids by keeping our fees as low as possible, there are still costs for the RRSC to exist and partner with the DLSO to play games. We will continue to look for opportunities to offset these costs whenever possible, but there will still be comparatively small fees associated with playing on a club team. As such, most everything that is done in this Club is paid for by those fees. Your fees cover the cost to register your player with the US Soccer Club. They also cover the cost of secondary medical insurance in case of an accident on the soccer field. Other program fees covered by your registration fees may include the cost of field lining, field maintenence, renovation and improvement, portable toilets, balls and equipment. Furthermore, your fees cover the cost of referees, which is one of the largest items budgeted each year, and the cost of performing background screenings on all coaches, assistant coaches, and club administrators.
Your coach is a volunteer as is most everyone else who makes this Club function. So please understand that no one receives a salary for what they do for the RRSC.
7. Can I get a refund of my registration fees?
No. Refunds are not issued once a player is registered. The reason for this policy is because RRSC takes your registration seriously and as a commitment of your part. As a result, RRSC make certain financial commitments in order for your child to play. Under rare but special circumstances, a partial refund is issued at half the amount of the registration fee. This determination is made by the Director of Coaches or the Club Registrar.